Police logs - May 17, 2021
New London
Sara Prime, 37, of 3 Prospect St. was charged Saturday with third-degree assault and disorderly conduct.
Felicia Brunig, 34, of 37 Walker St. was charged Saturday with violation of probation, possession of narcotics, driving an unregistered motor vehicle, driving without minimum insurance, misuse of plates, failure to obey a stop sign, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving without a license.
Anthony Lilly, 51, of 1841 Route 32, Montville, was charged May 13 with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Wayne Choser, 34, of 9 Pequot Road, Uncasville, was charged May 13 with violation of a criminal protective order.
Michael Jordan, 54, of 70 Branford St. was charged May 12 with disorderly conduct and third-degree assault.
Dennis Sheffield, 40, of 51 Shetucket Ave., was charged Saturday with first-degree criminal mischief.
Mackenzie Boudreau, 24, of 87 Indian Town Road, Ledyard, was charged May 13 with second-degree failure to appear in court.
Gerard Chandler, 22, of 632 E. Main St. was charged May 13 with third-degree assault and disorderly conduct.
State Police - Montville
Christos Trabakuolos, 25, of 241 Route 32, Franklin, was charged May 13 with violation of a protective order.
Steven C. Ham III, 30, of 78 Pierce St., Apt 1, Pawcatuck, was charged Thursday with criminal violation of a protective order.
Police logs reflect arrests, not convictions. For outcomes of criminal and motor vehicle arrests, visit bit.ly/CTConvictions.