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    Person of the Week
    Friday, September 06, 2024

    A Warm Welcome for Tyler Webb

    New Morgan School Assistant Principal Tyler Webb is using his two-hour commute time to refresh his batteries between days at school and time at home in Avon with his young family.

    The new assistant principal of The Morgan School in Clinton, Tyler Webb, is very excited about his new position. Tyler says a career in education was the natural fit for him-in fact it's something he was sure of since the age of nine, when he was inspired to become an educator by his 4th-grade teacher in his hometown of Glastonbury and solidified later, when Tyler acted as an assistant director at a summer camp.

    "The camp assistant director position kind of pushed me in the direction to be an administrator, because I knew I would still have contact with the kids and work with the staff and aid in planning. I got a taste of all that from the summer camp experience and ever since it is always what I have wanted to do," says Tyler.

    Tyler is thrilled with his new position and the opportunity to work with young people who are on the cusp of finding themselves.

    "My role is to sometimes have the hard conversations with these kids, but I am optimistic that every student that comes through the doors of The Morgan School will learn something positive about themselves in the four years they spend here," he explains.

    Tyler's optimism also translates to his commute-he drives more than an hour each way from Avon to get to Morgan. An avid reader who loves the Harry Potter books and well-written historical fiction, Tyler takes advantage of his new commuting time to decompress and listen to books on tape.

    "The drive time is my time, so I kind of look forward to it," he says.

    With two young sons at home, a three year-old and a 10 month-old, Tyler's alone time is limited.

    "One of the reasons I wanted to work in Clinton and take on this new position while juggling a young family so far away is that Clinton just felt right. The people I met during my interviewing process were all so wonderful and I really felt like they were people I could work well with and learn from and so far it has been a wonderful experience."

    He adds, "Because of the size of the school, it is very much like a family environment here, which I think is essential for the success of any administration and school system."

    Complimenting his work environment, Tyler says he can already see that The Morgan School has a wonderful staff of teachers, great support from parents, and students who are proud of their school.

    "I have received a warm welcome from everyone and I am grateful to be part of the learning community here in Clinton," says Tyler with a smile.

    Thirty six year-old Tyler has spent the past 13 years teaching history in high school settings, first in Baltimore for three years and most recently in Simsbury. Tyler attended Loyola for his undergraduate degree in history, then went to Wesleyan for his masters and onto the University of Connecticut for his administration degree.

    He admits that because he is so used to teaching advanced placement politics, he is missing the classroom a bit, especially recently during the government shut down. He is also missing coaching soccer.

    "Fall is just such a beautiful time of year here in Connecticut and I love to coach soccer and be part of that team experience. I am missing it this year-it's the first fall I haven't coached since I left college," explains Tyler.

    Also a keen hockey player, Tyler coached girls' hockey and girls' golf in Simsbury.

    "I have really enjoyed my coaching experiences in the past and I do miss it, but I am loving my new position as well," explains Tyler. "I think being an assistant principal gives me the unique position to interact with the teachers and staff as well as the students. I want them to know that I am always here for them and that I am always going to be a listening ear when they need one."

    He invites both students and parents to say hello at football games and sports events.

    "I have already met a lot of people in town, but I look forward to meeting even more in the future."

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