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    Friday, September 06, 2024

    Bipartisan Ledyard Council? Facts show otherwise.

    In his letter, “Ledyard bipartisanship, not authoritarianism,” (July 19), Terry Jones paints a rosy picture of unbridled bipartisanship in Ledyard for the last two decades.

    Apparently, Jones has forgotten that in 2015 the Ledyard Republican Town Committee refused to renominate the Republican chair of the Board of Education for another term. Why? According to the chair of the nominating committee, the rejected Republican incumbent appointed Democrats to chair some of the board committees. Said the Republican nominating chair, “If I was chairman of the Board of Education, the chair of every committee and subcommittee would’ve been a Republican,” “Ledyard Republicans’ school board endorsements to leave out two incumbents,” (July 15, 2015). Hardly the picture of true bipartisanship that Jones describes. Also, the recent 7-1 vote Jones references was all six Republicans and one Democrat.

    Sadly, the Republicans on the Ledyard Town Council missed an opportunity for true bipartisanship when they refused to seat the Democratic nominee to fill a term for five months. Rather than engage in a true exchange of ideas and opinions, they chose to seek a candidate more acceptable to them. Bipartisanship? Not even close.

    Doug Davies


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