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    Thursday, September 19, 2024

    Don McLean plays the Garde

    Don McLean (submitted)

    I studied an extensive pile of concert set lists from the touring career of singer-songwriter Don McLean and — you probably won’t believe this— he’s been known to close each performance with “American Pie”!

    I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense.

    “American Pie” is one of the best-loved, best-selling songs of all time, what with its runaway-steed galloping rhythm, meta-mysterioso, “Take THAT, Bob Dylan!” lyrics about the Meaning of the Country in the 1970s as revealed the prism of our cultural and political upheaval — and of course the irresistible verse and chorus melodies.

    There’s even a documentary about the song called “The Day the Music Died: The Story of Don McLean’s ‘American Pie,’” which you can find on Paramount+.

    So now that we’ve got the set-closer figured out, where does McLean slot “Vincent” each night? Because, truthfully, it might be an even BETTER song.

    Not sure, but I can assure you McLean will play it Friday when he entertains at the Garde Arts Center in New London.

    What else? Well, McLean has a new album, “American Boys,” that came out in the spring. It’s a sturdy enough effort featuring an array of Chuck Berry/Jerry Lee Lewis-style rock and some barroom meditations. Count on a sprinkling of the new stuff.

    Don McLean, 8 p.m. Friday, Garde Arts Center, 325 State St., New London; $39-$99; gardearts.org, (860) 444-7373.

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