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    Thursday, September 19, 2024

    Don’t throw that guitar!

    Terri LaChance (Terri LaChance Facebook)

    It’s fall! Football season’s back! The whole nation is insane with joy!


    Let’s hope the pigskin enthusiasm doesn’t get so overwhelming that one of the kind participants at Saturday’s “Pass the Guitar” event doesn’t get confused and, rather than simply hand the titular instrument from one musician to the next, THROWS the guitar in a neat, Patrick Mahomes-like spiral.

    Or, if it does happen, let’s hope the guitar isn’t a Martin D45.

    In any case, a stellar lineup of area artists will perform and sing and the New London Homeless Hospitality Center will be the beneficiary of their music and your generous contributions.

    Dot Scholz-Ames will emcee, and performers are Lauren Agnelli, Sandy Allen, John Brown, Frank Critelli, Dogbite Duo, American Elm, Bernadette Golden, Bonnie Jacobson, Pat Kirker, Dan Labich, Terri LaChance, Chris Listorti, Bruce McDermott, Ben and Nancy Parent, Steve Elci, Dante Piacenza, Vince Tuckwood, Brian Ebin Parker, and Woody and Elana Zabari.

    Pass the Guitar, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday, Hygienic Art Park, 79 Bank St., New London; $20, $15 seniors, students and those on a budget but who still wish to help, proceeds benefiting New London Homeless Hospitality Center; hygienic.org.

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