Our caring community in often cynical world
In a world rife with human suffering, it's easy to get stuck in helplessness and cynicism. Making a difference seems impossible. But, as evidenced in one recent heartwarming example, this is not the case for the people of southeastern Connecticut.
Included in the Day’s Make a Difference series was the heartbreaking story of a young mother, brutally attacked by her husband while her children watched in horror. Seriously injured, the mother lost her job. She and her children were facing homelessness when they called on Safe Futures, a nonprofit agency that helps victims of domestic violence.
They are now receiving counseling, safe housing and hope for a better life, free from abuse. Readers responded to the story swiftly and generously, sending clothing, toys, gift cards and monetary donations. They made this young family feel loved and supported.
At Safe Futures, we are grateful to countless individuals who donated gifts and financial support to over 125 families suffering from the devastating effects of domestic violence this season. The overall goodness and generosity of people in our community is inspiring.
Look forward to 2018 with renewed optimism and a sincere belief that we live in a strong, vibrant, caring community.
Susan Noyes
New London