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    Saturday, September 07, 2024

    Unprecedented unprecedentedness

    It seems the term "unprecedented" is becoming unprecedented. Former Vice President Mike Pence claims he should not be subpoenaed to testify against his former boss in that it is unprecedented. The news media and some legal experts question if you can indite a former President, namely Donald Trump, because it is unprecedented.

    The definition of unprecedented is "never done or known before." Did President Kennedy squash the moon landing because it was never done before? Did Dr. Christiaan Barnard forego the first heart transplant because it was never done before? Did Aaron Judge shy away from hitting 62 home runs because it had never been done?

    Merrick Garland, Attorney General, has stated clearly that no man is above the law. So trying to hide behind this excuse is unprecedented.

    David Atwater


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