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    Saturday, September 07, 2024

    Prioritize healthy school environments

    Global warming is causing significant problems in our schools. Teaching and learning are more difficult with distractions from extreme temperatures, noisy and inefficient heating and cooling systems, poor lighting and inadequate insulation. A bill to address these significant problems using project construction funding from the CT Green Bank, augmented by federal funding grants, passed unanimously in the State Senate, but died in the House. It is disappointing that Rep. Holly Cheeseman (R-East Lyme and Salem) opposed this appropriation in her powerful position on the Finance Committee. Kudos to local Reps. Devin Carney (R-Old Lyme), Kevin Ryan (D-Norwich), Aundre Bumgardner (D-Groton) and others for their support of the bill.

    Maybe next year the House will see the light and pass this bill to ensure our schools have a healthy environment for learning.

    David Bingham


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