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    Saturday, September 07, 2024

    Kudos to Jason Deeble

    I would like to lend my support to Jason Deeble, the East Lyme selectman who does not bow to the pressure from his fellow selectmen to say the pledge. During the second Iraq war, I was teaching in Lyme. During a monthly teachers' meeting, we were told to be sure to say the pledge every day and flag lapel pins were handed out, presumably to be worn. When I asked what the pledge meant, it was as if I had said all the teachers' mothers wore Army boots. There was no discussion and the principal reiterated that the pledge must be said every day, but everyone did have a choice. It was a choice, but that choice was not to be offered. Teaching anyone to mindlessly recite a dedication to our country, right or wrong, is not what a democracy should do. It is thoughtful, independent thinking which should be promoted, not rote promises.

    Jim Friedlander


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