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    Monday, September 30, 2024

    It’s your choice; think before you vote

    With early voting starting soon, Connecticut voters have two candidates for president, four candidates for the U.S. Senate and several choices for Congress. I’m for ending the war, closing the border, bringing down inflation and having a president that will stand up to world leaders.

    A vote for Donald Trump will likely end the wars in Ukraine and Israel, close our borders to illegal immigration, bring down inflation and give America someone that will stand up to world leaders. In contrast, a vote for Kamala Harris will likely result in continued funding of the wars in Ukraine and Israel, keeping our borders open to illegal immigrants, continue with rising inflation, and more of what America has witnessed of her performance over the last three and a half years.

    After making your choice for president, pick a senator, and a congressperson that will best represent you. If you want more of the same, pick an incumbent. May the best candidate win.

    James Harmon


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