The real danger to Social Security
The Day published reprints of two Social Security scare editorials, "Social Security is in Trouble,“ Washington Post (Oct. 24), and "Trump threatens Social Security's stability," Froma Harrop (Oct. 27).
The Day did not mention the $107-$500 billion threat to Social Security that is the so-called "Social Security Fairness Act," Senate Bill 597 and House Bill 82. This bill would revoke the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset provisions of Social Security that were designed to make the system fairer by not rewarding persons who did not pay Social Security taxes on their principal sources of wages and salary.
The net effect of this ”Fairness“ act is to further deplete the Social Security trust fund. This legislation is co-sponsored by Connecticut Senators Murphy and Blumenthal, and Connecticut Representatives Courtney, Himes, Hayes and DeLauro. These legislators, and SB 697/HR 82, are the real threat to Social Security.
P.J. Rovero
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