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    Local News
    Sunday, September 22, 2024

    Council of Governments assistant director elected to Connecticut Main Street Center board

    Amanda Kennedy, assistant director/director of special projects at the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, is among the four new members elected to the Board of Directors for Connecticut Main Street Center, according to an announcement this week.

    Kennedy directs strategic projects at the council of governments, including developing guidance on regional housing needs, working with U.S. SUBASE New London on intermunicipal growth challenges, supporting collaboration among the region's human services organizations and supporting local actions related to climate change and resiliency, the news release states.

    CMSC is a statewide non-profit that works to revitalize and enhance downtowns and mixed-use commercial corridors throughout Connecticut by offering education and technical assistance, and advocates for policies that support strong downtowns, the release states.

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