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    Local News
    Saturday, November 23, 2024

    Preston officials ready to present $1.1 million American Rescue Plan budget to residents

    Preston — Equipment and vehicle purchases, upgrades to town buildings and the community park, and funding for a full-time firefighter are among the items in the town's proposed $1.1 million federal American Rescue Plan budget. 

    The Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen last week approved the proposed $1,115,646 budget, which leaves $151,545 to fund future items. The plan is scheduled to be posted on the town website, http://www.preston-ct.org, on Monday.

    The Board of Selectmen will accept public comment on the plan at its 7 p.m. meeting Thursday at Town Hall, and the plan will be voted on by residents at a June 30 town meeting at Preston Plains Middle School.

    An ordinance approved at the June 9 budget town meeting requires any ARP spending item greater than $50,000 to obtain town meeting approval.

    The budget contains several items above that level, including $160,000 needed to complete the purchase of a pumper firetruck, $210,000 for a large plow truck, $84,000 for a smaller plow truck and $190,000 for Town Hall safety and accessibility improvements. Part of the Town Hall work would replace a sidewalk that leads to the rear door in the upper level. First Selectwoman Sandra Allyn-Gauthier said the sidewalk would improve safety egress and allow for one-way flow through the hallway if COVID-19 or other health restrictions are needed again.

    The lone personnel item is the request to hire an additional full-time firefighter to cover shifts in which volunteer support has been lacking. Town officials have put off placing the cost in the town's operating budget but consider the item in the ARP spending plan. The town now has a full-time and captain and hires per diem firefighters to cover three shifts per day, seven days a week.

    Allyn-Gauthier proposed funding the full $86,300 cost of the position in the 2022-23 fiscal year ARP budget and then reducing the ARP contribution to $64,725 and $32,363 in the third year, allowing the town to gradually fund the position through the operating budget.

    Allyn-Gauthier’s goals of conducting a human resources study of paid town staff and to conduct a long-term strategic plan for the town also are in the ARP spending plan, although the strategic plan is not yet budgeted for a specific amount. The HR study is expected to cost $15,000.

    Allyn-Gauthier said she is researching potential costs and resources through the Connecticut Council of Municipalities for assistance with the two studies.

    In addition to the town projects and equipment purchases, Preston received requests from nonprofit regional agencies for possible contributions using the ARP funding. Town officials have not yet recommended funding for those entities. United Community and Family Services, the New London Homeless Hospitality Center, Uncas Health District, Thames River Council for Community Action and ARC Eastern Connecticut were among those requesting funding.


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