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    Local News
    Thursday, October 10, 2024

    Norwich school board gets update on legal procedure related to superintendent probe

    Norwich ― The Board of Education met in executive session Tuesday to get an update on legal procedure related to an investigation into the conduct of Superintendent Kristen Stringfellow and Assistant Superintendent Tamara Gloster.

    The update came 13 months after the pair were placed on paid leave amid allegations they fostered a toxic work culture of fear and intimidation.

    School board Chairman Mark Kulos said the board met in closed session for about half an hour with board attorney Peter J. Maher of the Shipman & Goodwin law firm to receive the legal advice. Kulos said no action was taken, and he could not disclose any further information from the executive session.

    When asked about a deadline to receive a report from Hartford attorney Kyle McClain, who was hired last September to conduct the investigation, Kulos said the board is working that out with the board attorney as far as what the next steps are going to be. McClain was not at Tuesday’s meeting, Kulos said.

    The board met a week earlier for nearly three hours in executive session to discuss the investigation with board attorneys Maher and Morgan P. Rueckert of Shipman & Goodwin. McClain did not attend that session.

    Some board members have expressed frustration that McClain’s investigation is taking so long, forcing the board to pay Stringfellow’s and Gloster’s salaries, along with salaries of Acting Superintendent Susan Lessard, who was principal at the John B. Stanton elementary school, and an hourly rate for Acting Assistant Superintendent Jamie Bender, the retired student services director.

    The board in September of 2023 placed Stringfellow on paid leave, pending an investigation, and then also placed Gloster on paid leave the following week.

    The board in January expanded the investigation to include any other issues that may surface.



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